Friday, November 1, 2013

Fitness Friday: Whole 30 It's On!

All right folks, I'm making it "blog official". For today's Fitness Friday I'm letting you all know that I'm going to attempt the Whole 30, which is going on a paleo diet for 30 days. My roomies and I are all in on this together, and starting tomorrow, the horror begins. (pic: google)

To continue reading what this entails, click the link below.

As seen by the banner at the beginning of this post, this notion has been around since 2009, so nothing new. I have been coerced into this by my roomies, and I figured anything is possible for a month right? Well, what does this torture entail?

Ya, I know. There goes all the foods I eat. I'm Asian. Telling me that I can't eat rice and soy sauce is akin to death. That, and I really like eating cereal/oatmeal for breakfast. I mean the whole reason I stopped being vegan after 6 months is because I REALLY like cheese, A LOT. So clearly, I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

I'm also going to be honest right now and say that I'm not actually doing this for a whole 30 days (I know heresy). I realize the purpose is to achieve the full 30 days to get all the benefits, but I like Thanksgiving food, especially pumpkin pie. I'm going to eat me some pumpkin pie on the 28th.

Now that I've let that cat out of the bag, I'll be giving weekly updates on how a feel. If I like it, I'll probably repeat an actual full 30 days in the future and see if the extra 4 days makes a difference. I don't think this is a sustainable diet for the long term. It's not fully healthy since there are key nutrients that are necessary for proper body function that are better absorbed through diet. Nonetheless, adjustment will be made and I'll just take some calcium supplements. All I know is I can still have my coffee, so I won't have to kill anyone. Wish me luck!

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