Thursday, September 26, 2013

Finger Paints Nail Polish in Sarong so Right: Review & Swatch

This polish is part of the Finger Paints A Pair Affair by All Laqured Up (a nail polish blogger if I'm not mistaken). There were about 5-6 shades available, but Sarong So Right was the only one that spoke to me. It was a unique color to my shamefully large collection. I found this at Sally's Beauty Supply.

To continue reading the review and see swatches, click the link below.

Sarong so Right is a nice safron orange that leans ever so slightly to the pink spectrum with lots of pretty holographic micro glitter. As an orange lover, this spoke to me. It was slightly sheer after the first coat, but two made it completely opaque. The shimmer is subtle, but still visible on the nails. It wore well, at 4-5 days with only minor tip wear.


The following swatches are two coats and a top coat as usual. The holographic shimmer is more noticeable than the swatches show, but still subtle once applied. Without a top coat there is a slightly rough texture to it, but nothing overly noticeable. Top coat on all my fingers except the middle one. Perhaps you can see the rougher texture.

Sunlight Pic

Shade Pic

Flash Pic
Bottom Line: Nice orange shade. It's slightly brighter than a "fall" shade, but still appropriate. It applies nicely as well.

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