The December Ipsy Glam Bag is the Celebration collection. This bag was actually aesthetically pleasing. I would actually not be embarrassed carrying this around. It came with only full-sized items as far as I can tell, which is a total score since the value of the items are much greater than the monthly fee.
To continue reading the review and see the contents of the bag, click the link below.
The contents in this box are clearly meant to be used together to create a celebratory look, and this might very well be the first Ipsy Glam Bag with items that I can use together in one look (can't remember off the top of my head).
Pop Beauty Bright up Your Life eyeshadow trio in Smokin Hot (below) is your stereotypical smokey eye kit. It has a light silver, a mid-tone cool silver, and a matte black with blue glitter (which doesn't show up in the pan pic or swatch, but visible in the pan in person). These shadows were actually really easy to use and blend on the lids. It's not a terribly new, nor exciting take of these colors since I own many similar colors, but it is a good quality version that's not chalky. It's also a nice petite case that is easy to take with you on trips.
Be a Bombshell One Stick in Girl Crush. As you can see, the blended swatch on left is not visible even on a light skin tone as myself. The concentrated swatch on the right is not appropriate for actual wear. It is a pretty cool-toned lilac pink with silver shimmer.
J. Cat Beauty Big Lip Pencil in Red Rose hand and lip swatch. It's a good yellow-tone red.
Pop Beauty Bright up Your Life eyeshadow trio in Smokin Hot.
Bottom Line: Up to this point in time I've made my Glam Bag bottom lines to be regarding whether or not I will continue getting the subscription service. From this point on, I'll indicate which products I would spend my own money on buying. That said, the items I would buy would be the J. Cat Lip Pencil and Pop Beauty Eyeshadows if it were a different color trio.
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